What is BeardSymmetry.com?
BeardSymmetry.com is a store, which specialises in delivering the best product to get the perfect beard. Our product is shipped all over the world.
Do you ship all orders worldwide for free?
Yes, they are! We offer worldwide free shipping on all our products.
What is the average delivery time?
The average delivery time is between 12 and 15 days, in some cases it can take a little bit longer! Our product are shipped worldwide. We try to keep the costs low and offer free shipping on some of our products to keep the price low.
How can I get in touch with you?
If you have any questions feel free to get in touch with us. We are 7 days per week available with email to answer your questions. You can also ask your questions on one of our social media. For our contact information check our contact page.
Which payment methods do you support?
Currently we offer to pay with creditcard and Paypal. If you have any suggestions for more payment methods, please let us know.
My question is not in the list, what now?
No problem. You can ask us your question anytime. We are 7 days per week available on social media or email to answer your questions. For our contact information check our contact page.